Tank Gauging Projects

Tank Gauging Management System at Meghna Edible Oils Refinery Ltd.

Process Automation Ltd. are installing tank gauging monitoring system for 19 tanks at Meghna Edible Oils Refinery Ltd. (Sugar site, Cement site and Ganganagar Site), Radar technology with highest accuracy and reliability in every tank. All measurements data will transfer to the control room via the Modbus protocol. The Tankvision NXA820 in control room will collect all data from field and monitor stock management without software in computer. Some pictures of the project are as follows:

Each Tank Consists one Radar NMR81 & One Prothermo NMT532

Installation of Radar Level Transmitter

Installation of Average Temperature Transmitter NMT532

Installation of Tank Scanner, Tank Host Link & Fieldgate FXA42

Commissioning of Tank Scanner NXA820

Tank Data after Commissioning of Tank Scanner NXA820